Thursday, July 30, 2015

Stratergy pattern example in java for android enviroments

If you want to switch between different implementations in different situations, strategy pattern is an ideal solutions. Recently I used this pattern for process the output in android UI tests. So depending on the situation the out put was redirected to either Logcat or a text file. This is how it was implemented.
This is the service class.
public class ReportService {
    public  void generateReport(T data, ReportStrategy strategy ){
This is the interface for the strategy classes.
public interface ReportStrategy {
    public void generateReport(T data);
Here the TestCasePoint class contains the test results.
Class for the Logcat output strategy.
public class LogCatReportStrategy implements ReportStrategy<TestCasePoint> {

    public static final String LOGNAME = "Logindicator";

    public void generateReport(TestCasePoint data) {
        String testCaseID = "Testcase ID = "+data.getTestCaseID();
        for (ControllerPoint point : data.getControllPoints()) {
            String level = "********";
            String controllerID = level+"Controller ID = "+point.getId();
            String testStatus = level+point.getTestResult();
            Log.d(LOGNAME,"Result = "+testStatus);
        Log.d(LOGNAME,"Test case result "+data.getResult().toString());
Class for the text file output strategy.
public class TextFileReportStratergy implements ReportStrategy<TestCasePoint>{
    public void generateReport(TestCasePoint data) {
        File file = null;
        try {
            file = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory(), "Report.txt");
            BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File(Environment.getDataDirectory(),"Report.txt")));
            writer.write("Testcase ID = " + data.getTestCaseID()+"\n");
            for (ControllerPoint point : data.getControllPoints()){
                String level = "********";
                String controllerID = level+"Controller ID = "+point.getId()+"\n";
                String testStatus = point.getTestResult().toString();
                writer.write(level+"Result = " + testStatus+"\n");
            writer.write( "Test case result " + data.getResult().toString()+"\n");
        } catch (IOException e) {
This is how log cat strategy can be used.
ReportService service = new ReportService();
ReportStrategy strategy = new LogCatReportStrategy();
service.generateReport(testResult, strategy);
This is how text file strategy can be used.
ReportStrategy strategyTextFile = new TextFileReportStratergy();
service.generateReport(testResult, strategyTextFile);

For any query, feel free to contact me via my linkedin profile.